Step 1: Find Roof Bars
You can get roof bars for 99.9% of vehicles, even if it looks like they won't be able to fit on. You can also get roof racks for some vehicles.
Below are the 6 roof types, all of which can have roof bars fitted to them:
Once you can see which type of roof you have, head over to
Halfords and you should be able to find some bars!
Please make sure they're rated to hold at least 60kg for the RoofBunk Roamer, 50kg for the RoofBunk Explorer, 65kg for the RoofBunk Explorer XL and 80kg for the RoofBunk Adventurer. Pick ones that are ideally through bars in design too, as these allow more overhang on the sides and all our models will definitely fit these types of roof bars.
Also check that you're able to keep the roof bars between 70cm-120cm apart for the RoofBunk Roamer, 40cm-120cm for the RoofBunk Explorer, 60cm-140cm for the RoofBunk Explorer XL and 70cm-150cm for the RoofBunk Adventurer, as this will sufficiently spread the load weight evenly.
If you're still struggling, simply
email over your vehicle's number plate and we'll be happy to find the perfect roof bars for you!
Step 2: Check Vehicle's Suitability
You'll also need to check your vehicle’s maximum roof load capacity is over 60kg for the RoofBunk Roamer, 50kg for the RoofBunk Explorer, 65kg for the RoofBunk Explorer XL and 80kg for the RoofBunk Adventurer, which can be found in your vehicle’s user manual or after searching for the information online. We recommend checking this Online Vehicle User Manual Directory.
The reason for the vehicle roof weight limits is usually to do with how the extra weight on top affects the centre of gravity of the vehicle when going round corners, rather than the body structure being unable to support the weight, as vehicle roofs are designed to be a able to take the impact of the vehicle rolling in the event of an accident.
If all this sounds daunting, then please email over your vehicle's number plate and we'll be happy to do the research for you!
A quick note: Lots of people get confused how these vehicle roof and roof bar capacity limits are enough to hold the RoofBunk with people inside them. The reason is because these are dynamic (moving) weight limits, rather than static (stationary/still) weight limits. The static weight limits are about 5 times what are listed here because there are fewer forces acting on the RoofBunk compared to when it's moving, like driving, braking, cornering ect.
Step 3: Install Your RoofBunk
Next, simply follow the instructions in our installation videos below and you should be ready to start your adventures!:
How To Install Your RoofBunk Roamer Hard Shell Roof Tent
How To Install Your RoofBunk Explorer Soft Shell Roof Tent (the RoofBunk Explorer XL is the same process).
How To Install Your RoofBunk Adventurer Aluminium Clamshell Roof Tent